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Meet our Doctors

Meet the Doctors of Maison Optique Optometric Center in Torrance and Huntington Beach!

Dr. Robert Tamayo

A native of California, Dr. Tamayo (a.k.a. Dr. T) graduated with a B.S. in Biology from California State University-Long Beach. He then received his Doctor of Optometry degree at the Illinois College of Optometry (Chicago) in 1995. With over 15 years of experience as an Optometrist, Dr. Tamayo is well respected by both colleagues and patients.

As a member of the Asian American Optometric Society, International Society of Refractive Surgery, California Optometric Society, American Optometric Society, South Bay Optometric Society, and Vision Source (a network of premier doctors), Dr. Tamayo stays in the forefront of technology and techniques to assure his patients the best care. Dr. Tamayo pairs this knowledge with a relaxed attitude that makes patients feel very comfortable and confident in his quality eye care services.

Dr. Linh Tu

Dr. Tu graduated Magna Cum Laude from Beloit College (Wisconsin) with a B.S. in Medical Biology. She then migrated to California where she attended the Southern California College of Optometry. California has felt like a second home to Dr. Tu and since receiving her Doctor of Optometry degree in 2002, she has continued to stay and practice optometry in the city of Torrance and the South Bay area.

Dr. Tu is a member of the Beta Sigma Kappa International Optometric Honor Society, American Optometric Association, California Optometric Society, South Bay Optometric Society, and Vision Source (a network of premier doctors). The resources these organizations provide, keep Dr. Tu abreast of the most current procedures and technology to better serve her patients. Her professionalism and gentle chair-side manner have earned her patients’ trust and confidence.

Both Dr. Tamayo and Dr. Tu specialize in primary eye care, contact lenses (including specialty/difficult fits), dry-eye therapy, LASIK surgery co-management, and cataract surgery co-management. They also evaluate and treat eye infections, inflammations, and allergies.